

How SHOULD Your School or District Communicate with You?

2017-04-03T18:49:55+00:00April 3, 2017|Categories: Communications, Community Engagement, Social Media for Schools, Technology|

This week, Carole Dorn-Bell and Joel Gagne discuss the best practices for schools wanting to communicate effectively with parents and the community. They discuss the role of newsletters, text messages, Twitter and even Snapchat. Dorn-Bell [...]

How To Successfully Launch a 1:1 Technology Initiative in Your School

2016-04-11T16:06:53+00:00April 11, 2016|Categories: Interviews, Issues Facing Schools Today, Technology|

Today’s show is about technology and 1:1 initiatives in public schools. Technology can be a great equalizer for students, but understanding all sides of implementation and day­to­day use is crucial to the success of any 1:1 technology [...]